My World Plus - Shopping Made Easy

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Together We Can Change The World

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Here's Your Cue - It's Up To You!

First, it starts with the feeling that a small voice is whispering in your ear. Next, it permeates into your dreams. Suddenly you are waking up every morning with a smile on your face. Euphoria combined with anticipation energizes your soul.

Then reality sinks in and the smile quickly vanishes and is replaced with a scowl. It's true, you don't own your internet business yet. You're still chained to that 8 to 5 job. Yes, the job pays your wages and some of your bills, but it devours your time.

Time away from family and friends. Time to watch your daughter's volleyball games or son's cross country meets. Time to share a couple's massage with your spouse or go to a matinee. Time you could be focusing on your home-based, online business. Molding it slowly with your hands and developing it. Watching it turn into an automated, easy money making machine.

Another morning comes. Once again you must jump up when the alarm clock goes off and get ready to go to the office. You rationalize to yourself that the reason you still work there is because you like your employer. The company, as a whole is well liked by its employees & does a lot for the community. Your coworkers are fun and interesting, but a few could use a big dose of PMA. (positive mental attitude)

The benefits and perks of working for a corporation are nice, but the thought of being in charge of your destiny gets your heart racing. You long to say goodbye to the challenges and stress that go along with working for someone else.

So what keeps you from taking that first step towards freedom? Time freedom and financial freedom. Freedom to rebuild your self esteem and dignity without a boss tearing it down. Freedom to express your thoughts and implement your ideas without fear of rejection. Dare I say time for ultimate bliss?

So go for it. The time is right. Instead of your life being on auto pilot, put your home-based internet business on auto pilot. It'll keep generating income for you while you and your family are away enjoying the sights in Tahiti or taking a cruise around the world. Your online business will continue putting money in your bank account even while you sleep!

Here's your cue, it's up to you! Take the first step. There's easy money to be made on the internet. Whether you start small or plunge in, do something. Procrastination is not a virtue. But do not make the mistake of eliminating the job that has been paying you wages until you have a steady flow of income from your successful online business.

Continue to be an asset for your present company, but also exert time and energy into getting your business up and running. Keep in mind that it may take several months before the search engines become your friend and send traffic to your website. Therefore, it's important that you work as hard as you did when your employer first hired you.

Remember those first months of employment when you tried to impress the boss with your knowledge & efficiency? If it's difficult to recall, take a moment and relive those precious moments when your boss extended the job offer to you. You were elated, excited and determined to show everyone how quickly you would climb that corporate ladder to success.

Well, take all of those emotions and use them to get you through the next few months. The pay off will be great! A key point to remember is "don't burn any bridges." You may have heard this expression many times before, but it's a cliche for a very good reason.

Now that you are ready here's some basic steps to consider when starting your internet business:

Choose products that you believe in. Do a little research to determine if the products have generated great sales results for others. There's lots of excellent affiliate programs online which allow you to resell quality products for a profit. An alternative might be for you to create new products to sell.

Then choose a domain name. A domain is your "office" in cyber space. I have a few different domain names registered for the various products I promote. You must have a domain name registered in order to own a website. You may register a domain for less than $15.00 per year at, or similar companies.

Next, choose a website. Some are free and some have minimal monthly fees. Keep in mind that it's much more beneficial to own your website. As the owner you will be allowed to make changes to the website. You are in control. There are numerous websites available for your use which are owned by others. Most of these don't allow you to make any changes or updates to the website.

The hosting account is very important. There are several competing for your business. Some are free and others charge a monthly fee. Choose wisely. If the hosting account for your website fails to work, you may lose thousands of dollars. Do your research and find one that has an excellent track record for staying online & providing world class customer service. It's critical that your hosting account be state of the art. Therefore, you may wish to invest a monthly fee to obtain one.

Announce to everyone that you've started your own business. Send e-mails, postcards & fliers. Join free traffic exchanges, add your website address, as well as your various money making links & banners to each. Start a blog, write articles and submit them to directories and ezines.

Finally, sit back & watch the money roll in.

May God Bless!

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